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  • Gregory Battaglia

    The Pioneer A/V Products website should have a dedicated consumer feedback page where potential customers can express their requests for new products. And their comments need to reach Pioneer's marketing staff so they know what consumers are thinking and respond to them accordingly. Thank you. 

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Gregory, 
    Thank you for your feedback regarding our website. We will work on a section for the site to have the customers provide suggestions on improving our products. 

    Thank you,


  • Amy Pierczynski

    My pioneer Avh w4500nex is stuck in boot loop, can this be repaired and if so, how do I go about getting it fixed. 



  • Gregory Battaglia

    I love my Pioneer Elite LX500 BD player-excellent picture AND sound quality.  Plus FULLY functijonal zoom control that NONE of today's BD players have. But a sucessor to the LX500 is long overdue. Please be sure to retain the same excellent zoom control features on the remote. But this time please add a volume/mute button to control the player's analog audio stereo output level.  And please make it happen this year! Thank you. 

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Amy

    Unfortunately, you have contacted the Pioneer Home USA. By looks of your product inquiry, I'm going to have to refer you to Pioneer Electronics for assistance. 

    For Pioneer Parts, TV, Cycle Sports, Car Audio, and Marine products, please visit or call  800-421-1404 for Car, Marine and Computer Products or call 800-421-1624 Cycle Service and Support.

    Have a great day!


  • P. Davis

    I have a PIONEER “Elite” A -20 amplifier for past 15 years and basically use for my 5 disc CD player along with a set of bookshelf, Definitive Studio speakers…I would like to buy a subwoofer for my amplifier.  A kid at Best Buy has told me to look at the back of the amplifer to see if it even supports a subwoofer (?!) by LOOKING to see a port that is labeled “sub”.  I did so and see NOTHING to that word.  DOES this mean my amplifier needs to be upgraded TO utilize a subwoofer?  Very confused here.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello P.Davis,

    The A-20 doesn't support a powered subwoofer which would require the subwoofer pre out RCA port on the amp. So if you are wanting to use a sub, you would have to get a passive subwoofer that would have speaker terminals ins/outs for speakers and amp. You would connect the subwoofer to the speaker terminals on the receiver and then the speakers would connect to the subwoofer directly. You would have to look up specs of the receiver to pick the proper passive subwoofer. 

    Thank you,


  • Brian Jordan

    I want to send my VSX 80 and my VSX 90 in for service. How do I find service I’ve called I’ve emailed still find no way to get to a service provider. Please help.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Brian,

    Here is the link to our site where are service center locations are. These models are a little older so parts may not be available so I would advise communicating with the service centers first before taking in the unit so that they can provide you information on parts availability and parts/labor pricing. 

    Thank you,


  • Wedo streetkingz

    what can i do about my pioneer vsx a/v/r that completely went dead on me after a power outage. im talking about no life whats so ever, iv tried the factory reset method & still nothing. im literally speechless about this since my avr was the brain of all my components connected to my TV & now idk what to do. please help out at least replace my unit. this shouldn't be an issue or everyone would have the same problem.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Wedo,

    In order to see what the issue is after the surge, the AVR would have to be evaluated at a service center. Here is a link that you can locate a service center near you. The service center would be able to provide you with information about the repairs along with pricing. 

    Thank you


  • Garrett Haas

    I have a VSX-D557 that I've had for 20 years and recently purchased my first home 8 months ago, and upon getting everything unpacked and set up I can't s find the remote and having issues with the Dolby pro logic running through the optical output fully functioning properly. I've ran through the owners manual multiple times but the only speakers that work are the center speaker and the subwoofer when on speaker A and nothing happens with speaker B setting activated. Is there anywhere that I can get a replacement remote for the unit? 

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Garrett, 

    My apologizes but we no longer have this remote control available. Since this is an older unit the remote control model for VSXD557 is AXD7155, I would suggest checking the online sites to see if original or sub/universal remote that maybe compatible with that receiver. 

    Thank you


  • Victor Vazquez

    I bought a new vsx lx505.  I get home, plug it in and for some reason none of the physical buttons or the remote control work.  It only works via cell phone

    Any suggestión?

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Victor,

    My sincere apologizes that you are having an issue with a new unit. It's unfortunate but there is an issue within the unit if you are not able to make a selection on the physical unit or operate the unit via the remote either. I would recommend having the unit returned to the dealer you had purchased it from. 

    Thank you,


  • Jim Stephanidis

    I recently purchased the VSX LX505.  After a few days, the calibration microphone stopped working.  The Dirac and the MCACC software would no longer function due to the microphone error.  I tried another microphone from another receiver and it worked just fine.   Upon reaching out for support, I was told that there is no warranty since the microphone worked when it was first used and that I would have to purchase a replacement.  This didn't make any sense to me.    I always thought the warranty period, 3 years for Elite models, was to protect the consumer for failures like this.  Am I missing something?  My only recourse was to return the unit, which I did.  I didn't want to be in the same boat if something in the unit itself started having issues within the “warranty” period.   I liked the receiver and it sounded great.  I would like to purchase another one but I'm uncertain at this point.  

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Jim,

    My sincere apologizes that you were having issues with your unit. I will be reaching out to you via email to further assist you with your issue.

    Thank you,


  • Barry Brown

    I have a VSX-921-K and I would like to know if there is a firmware update available for it? 

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Barry,

    I have looked into the firmware for the VSX-921-K, unfortunately there is not a current firmware for that unit. 

    Thank you,


  • Barry Brown

    Thank you for checking, Jennifer. I appreciate it.

    Hope you know that Jesus loves you! 

  • Jack La Vieja

    Hola , Buenas.

    Me podrían informar donde puedo conseguir el siguiente repuesto???


    Corresponde al altavoz central Pioneer S-C80, Altavoz medio.

    Muchas gracias y un saludo


  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Jack La Vieja

    Unfortunately, this part for Pioneer S-C80 center speaker is no longer available. 

    Thank you


  • A B

    Is it possible to purchase the MCACC microphone separately? Looks like some mice got to mine.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello A B,

    If you could please provide me the model number of your unit so that I can let you know if we have it available. Or if you have the model number of your unit can check on our link to our online site for the parts.  

    Thank you, 


  • I obtained a Elite SC-79 to be able to connect my old consoles and be able to switch them with ease. I wanted to keep using my Sonos Beam as the audio source but even when using the ARC feature on the receiver it still won't output any audio on my Beam. Neither from HDMI or even the Optical out as well. I did connected it to the network for an update but no luck, an error message pops up on it. Ive even tried finding any firmware update from the site but it just has a document of how to update it. Be mindful I don't have the original remove and only using the build in panel ones. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Jose,

    When you were trying the optical output connection from the receiver to the Sonos optical input, were the devices hooked up into the SC-79 with a the digital connection(optical/coaxial)?

    You were also mentioning about the for a firmware update, unfortunately there isn't one available for this unit due to the age of the system. 

    Thank you


  • Benjamin Rich

    Will pioneer be coming out with a newcassette tape deck?   The world would really like one.   Please!!!?

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Benjamin,

    Unfortunately we don't have any current plans for a tape deck. However, I will provide your product suggestion to our marketing team. Thank you for your interest in Pioneer. 

    Thank you


  • Buddy Gouws

    Good day.

    Please advise me as to what the latest firmware is for a VSX 923 receiver, (it presently states the version to be 1.129.020.***.072 or s9294.4003.1077) or as to which available version would be compatible.  

    My receiver indicates it is in process of obtaining an update a via internet, then states link is not available, while it has access to the internet radio stations. The receiver also allows for USB connection.

    The receiver has become sporadic in its operation with intermittent sound. I have rechecked and reconnected all connections as various sources indicate that defective connection could be the problem. So, the only option I have left is the firmware/Software which has not been updated from time of purchase, which is possibly 7+ years.  

    Thank you much for your support.

    South African Customer.

    Buddy Gouws.

  • Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Buddy,

    Unfortunately, we don't have an updated version for the VSX 923 receiver. Since you are having an issue with the unit, you can check with your local service center to see if the parts that are required to repair this unit is available. Before going to the service center, I would contact the for an estimate on the repair. 

    Thank you



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